We would love to show you around our school - to meet the Principal, Alan Grant and see our school in action, contact Karen Osborne, our Office Manager, on (03) 442 8224 or email office@stjosephsqt.school.nz.
Process for enrolment any time:
Make a time to meet our principal and find out about our school
Have a tour of the school - led by our Years 7 and 8 students
Have questions answered eg What does Catholic connection mean? What does teaching and learning look like here? What do the students learn in Physical Education? What support is there if my child does not speak English? How much does it cost to attend a Catholic School? ($1.22 per day based on 52 weeks of the year, per child payable to the Dunedin diocese) What if we can't afford it? (You can apply for support)
Complete the enrolment forms
Meet with our Parish Priest regarding Catholic connection (Preference or Non-Preference enrolment) Ph 03 442 8414
We recognise that good communication among us all is vital for a successful and harmonious community and for excellent outcomes. School is not just a place for children; it is a place for families. Spending time involved at school and with school activities will give families an opportunity to learn and observe teaching and learning in action. It is a chance to meet up with other parents and see your child at work and play. We welcome you to become involved in some way.
Our school newsletter is our main means of communicating with our parents and families and it is therefore important to read it each week. The purpose of our newsletter is to celebrate and inform.
For main events, a letter will be sent home with more details. For important events a reminder email and/or text will be sent home closer to the event. It is important that you ensure your child's contact information is always current for this reason.
Our forms of
communication are:
Children are required by law, to attend school every day the school is open unless there is a valid reason for non-attendance. For planned absences a letter or email is to be written to the Principal explaining why your child will be absent and for how long. It is a matter of courtesy to inform the child’s teacher as well. When students arrive late they must report to the office and if leaving during school hours must be signed out at the office.
The school needs to know why your child is absent or late for school, so it is essential that you telephone before 9am to report absence or lateness. The school verifies every child’s attendance or absence each day and families will be contacted if there is an unexplained absence. Likewise, if they have a medical/dental appointment during school hours, please advise the school office and/or teacher beforehand.
School Uniform Items
School Uniform
School Uniform - Additional Information
School Sports Uniform
Children normally bring their lunch to school. Children need to have sufficient, healthy, and sustaining food to eat. Please avoid foods with high sugar or salt content. Children are expected to only drink water at school and should bring a drink bottle full of water to school each day.
Lunch orders
Thursdays - (ordered online only) Sushi
Fridays - Sausage Sizzle (fundraiser)
No Nuts Please
Due to a number of children having severe life threatening nut allergies should they come in contact with nuts, we are asking parents of all children to avoid any food containing nuts into their children’s lunch boxes. This includes peanut butter, nut bars and loose nuts.
Wearing sun safe hats is compulsory in Term 1 and Term 4. Replacement hats can be purchased from the school office.