St Joseph's School
Te Kura o Hato Hōhepa ki a Tāhuna

School Information

In this section you will find information about the way we do things at St Joseph's School. If there is something you want to know and you can't find it here, let us know so that we can add it to our website.

9am Start of the school day
9am - 9:10am Karakia and Morning Routine (Mondays in the church - whole school karakia)
9:10am - 10am 1st learning session
10am - 10:10am Read & Feed (eating break)
10:10am - 11am 2nd learning session
11am - 11:20am Morning Tea (exercise/activity break)
11:20am - 11:30am Morning Tea (eating break)
11:30am - 12:45pm 3rd learning session
12:45pm - 12:55pm Lunch (eating break)
12:55pm - 1:40pm Lunch (exercise/activity break)
1:40pm - 2:50pm  4th learning session
2:50pm - 3pm End of Day Routine, Karakia and Dismissal
3pm End of the school day
3:05pm Students who travel home via school bus line up, are marked off on their bus list ready for boarding bus.
Concerns and Complaints

If you have any concerns, the teacher is the first person to speak to. If for some reason you are unable to do so, please contact the School Principal.

Please click here to see our full "Concerns and Complaints Process" advice sheet.  

School Uniform

New items can be purchased from:

Remarkables Park Shopping Centre
Telephone 442 8153

Please note that the school uniform monogrammed trousers are no longer available due to supply issues with the material.  Students are allowed to wear plain dark blue trackpants as an alternative to the trousers which are no longer available.

Secondhand Uniforms:
These are available at the school. Please see Karen Osborne, our Office Manager.


Please have high expectations for your child to keep uniform in a tidy condition. Please name all clothes and belongings. At the end of each term, any clothing left at school will be on display in the downstairs cloakroom. Any clothing left will be checked and named clothing will be returned. Un-named clothing that is of suitable quality will be washed and put into the second hand uniforms.
Please teach your child to be responsible for his or her clothing and belongings and have high expectations to achieve this.

We no longer have a summer and winter uniform. The only stipulations are that only school uniform items are visible, i.e. no non-uniform polypros. Also merinos are to be worn over, rather than under short sleeved polos and tights to be worn with pinafores only.

School Uniform Items

School Uniform


St Joseph's Polar Fleece
Regulation monogrammed burgundy short or long sleeved polo
Regulation navy blue shorts or trousers
Regulation monogrammed merino top
Navy blue socks
Black shoes or sandals


St Joseph's Polar Fleece
Regulation monogrammed burgundy short or long sleeved polo
Tartan pinafore
Navy blue culottes
Regulation monogrammed navy blue trousers
Regulation monogrammed merino top
White or navy blue socks or navy blue tights
Black shoes or sandals

School Uniform - Additional Information

Hair is to be tied back off the face with burgundy or navy only 
hair ties/bobbles/bands.
No nail varnish.

Silver or gold studs only in ears
No necklaces, bracelets, rings or nail polish.

School sunhats are to be worn when pupils are outside the classroom in summer (Terms 1 and 4). These hats are provided by the school. A charge for the school sunhat is included in the term account for New Entrants/enrolments and when replacements are required.

School Sports Uniform

Our sports uniform consists of a maroon tee-shirt, navy shorts, blue stadium track pants and a navy blue hoody. You do not have to buy a sport’s uniform but if your child represents the school in a number of sporting events, it would be a good idea for them to have their own sports uniform.  Please note that the sports hoody is not a daily uniform item and should not be worn to school except for sports events. 

Ordering Sport’s Uniforms
To order our sport’s uniform please go to